Thursday, 22 March 2012


It was at Lonar that I really realized How a Fuccha must be feeling coming to ride with a club for the first time. You are generally a hero, a studd with a bike - a big show off!!! But then when u register for a ride and reach a starting point - i am sure it would freak the coolest of dudes.

Experienced Riders, their rapport with other riders even the club lingo. It would definitely take a while to get used to the nicknames and the history behind it.

I wouldnt call it sadism but a procedure to teach life - whole day you get to soak in the self glory and when the night fall there starts a session of ice breaking. How is it different from the handshake and intro , pleasure to meet you dialogues \m/ hahha the devilish laugh. It is pretty obvious if we were so sweet to you do you think we deserve to carry the attitude.

This phenomena gets accentuated in teenager who join us for the first ride. They have this know it all feeling and we know what they have seen in life. Also they still dont know how to judge situations and how they should be reacting in it. lol

You are in actual roadies - what they have been trying to portray if you are in a RM or a Gaddha Mania where more than one club participate.

All said and done - just how ragging in engineering is a forum to build rapport so is our sessions. And we do know our limits depending on the poor soul in front of the riders who had a day of Riding Hard as they call it.

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